
Articles & Blogs


Vapse Issue Ansering

1. Flashing

  • Flashing is a visual cue that the coil or liquid is degrading
  • Flashing is when the bottom of the device begins to glow a colour which can vary from device to device (with our LITE Bars they flash green)
  • Flashing is a sign of coil degradation & lack of liquid and should be replaced immediately as it can ruin your vaping experience

2. Tasting Burnt

  • Burnt or a burning cotton taste, is a sign that the coil is reaching the end of its lifespan
  • you should replace your Device every 1-2 weeks
  • It will be incredibly apparent when your device is running out of liquid or the battery has died by any of the following issues in this guide


3. Running Out Of Flavour

  • flavours can burn out
  • flavours can be used up
  • flavours can be used up faster if you vape more
  • flavours can be used up faster if you vape at higher temperatures
  • flavours can be used up faster if you vape more often


4. Doesnt Hit As Strong

  • if you are using the same amount of product, but the hit is weaker, then you need to replace it
  • if you are using the same amount of product, but the hit is stronger, then you need to replace it
  • Use this to help you save money!


Now you know when to replace your vape, how often to replace your vape, how to save money by replacing your vape, how to avoid wasting money on a vape replacement and how to use the above information to save money


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