From an early age, Sami Altunsaray discovered his passion for experimenting with food. On special occasions, he cooked for family and friends, but professionally this was never really a choice. Therefore, after graduating from high school, he did an internship in media and stayed true to his profession for many years until suddenly the pandemic came and he was forced to work from home, just like his other colleagues. Due to the loss of social contacts, he began to devote himself more and more to his old hobby. With the help of online cooking classes, he improved his skills and rediscovered his passion that had been forgotten over time. During summer vacations in Turkey, he was able to explore oriental cuisine and try out new recipes.
With exotic herbs, freshly harvested tomatoes, and sustainable meat, he experimented until he could create one of the most traditional Turkish dishes, in a completely new way. The Pisami (Mix of Pizza and Sami) was born with which he delighted his loved ones. What he did not know yet, this was to be a milestone that would change his life. One of his friends, Ismael Altunsaray had been running a restaurant in Kirşehir for many years and took a few pieces home for his wife. In reality, these were for his boss, who was so convinced that he made Sami an offer the next day. He could start in his kitchen, despite his lack of training and experience. It took a while for Sami to figure out what he really wants in life, and finally he chose to follow his passion. Although he loved Germany, he left the country shortly after and started a new life in the culture of his ancestors.